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20 Things my therapist taught me!

Love and respect yourself

Don't be so hard on yourself

Be proud of your accomplishments

Whenever you fail at something, use it as a learning experience! Oh and try again! 

Don't overwork yourself.. life is too short.

There are two sides to the story... try to listen to the other.

Communication skills are not innate. This takes practice.

Do something for yourself everyday! 

Stay in touch with your friends

There is a cause and effect in most relationship problems

Be happy with yourself first

Your happiness lies upon yourself not solely because of the presence of another person... There are many factors that should contribute to your happiness

Accept emotions as they come.. cry if you need to. 

The tongue is a dangerous blade.. be careful or say it in your head. 

A man or woman should be the purse to your life.. an accessory not necessary 💁

Stay away from people who cause negative emotions within you... even if it's your immediate family

Living away from your family is actually healthy! 

Whenever you made a mistake with your partner or anyone.. make up for it. Send him or her some flowers! 

Give yourself the space you need to center yourself

If you are not religous.. that's okay maybe you are not ready. Don't let anyone tell you other wise. 

Lastly, her slogan that I love, "Live life by design" ❤️

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